Historically and academically speaking it is a concept related to experience, beliefs, values, etc. So the globalists might have some issues of applying it to the entire planet since we will be disconnected geographically, for example in Nordic culture the concept of Thor as God is ancient but it means absolutely zero to people in South Africa. In Europe gets even worse where geography is ignored, instead the history and tradition takes more (if not leading) role. France and England fought for years for dominance, even though they are only a strait/channel away. So once again, tradition and language sets these rules. Frenchies have also a tendency doing the opposite what English speaking does purely out spite. They will try nonetheless but it will take long time and in the information age it is getting harder to control ALL media and let the people hear and read only YOUR truth. No one knows what the future holds, but I'm grabbing my popcorn and ready to enjoy the show :-)