My neighbours, Colombians and Spanish, are very likely drug dealers. They rent a flat in our mews, where all other residents are owners.
We have been watching their activities on CCTV for a few days, after one of their alledged clients broke into a resident's car to steal stuff.
Police have been notified about the crime, but they are doing nothing.
It's been a busy few days since we've been watching them. Clients are coming in and out late at night...
They don't know we're watching them and emailing back and forth, exchanging CCTV footage of their activities and clients.
Kids are living here!
I thought this was SN, not NextDoor.
Perfect opportunity to go and meet them, and teach them how simple, fast, and efficient the Lightning Network is! They would probably love how easy it is for them and their clients to access quick and easy P2P payments, with potential for anonymity.
Perhaps they can even fully move over to a Bitcoin-based Drug-Deal System, with no dirty paper cash in-person meetups necessary. Sounds like an easy fix to your problem.
Good luck!
Never waste an opportunity to propagate the BTC name, I see.
Sir this is not
Well now that you posted here, could they be about to find out..?