32,830 sats stacked
stacking since: #23862longest cowboy streak: 2
Just an orange pilled noob trying to figure out my way around.
Edit: Dang. Didn't realize this "bio" would be posted in the main news area. Lol. Sorry, y'all.
Nostr Stuff
NIP-05: lv99slacker@nostrpurple.com npub1vrte73vdykqt45lz6jejq72eaca0nucym63yyr4yauay560xmkzsjkakqv
Welcome aboard!
We like to see the intros for new folks in the main news. That's our chance to get to know the people and say hi... so hi and welcome to SN! :)
Welcome slacker! 🤗
(It had a little message underneath saying it’d get posted.)