We don't know where all gold is hidden on our planet the same with these lost Bitcoin. One day one lucky man to choose "lost private key" and will get the access to treasure
lost private key
Once all bitcoins have been mined, there will be attempt at finding 'lost private keys' ; possibly using Quantum computing, or is this utter nonsense ?
Otherwise I think the big lesson is to learn how to improve security measures and educating users to prevent the loss of private keys in the first place.
Once all bitcoins have been mined, there will be attempt at finding 'lost private keys' ; possibly using Quantum computing, or is this utter nonsense ?
We don't know when but I believe that this scenario is probable once a QC becomes practically usable for breaking ECC. Then, there will be two types of "miners" 😅. The thing is, there will always be maximum of ~20,999 BTC and not more and the live wallets will be already QC-resistant.