As with servers & shit reality itself is a stack of stuff! ;-)
This is my take on the visible parts, the matterium:


Although important, and often worshiped, tools are just that: tools. Anything that does a particular job might suffice, and in a pinch smart people will use'em in ways that were never intended to get the job done!
Actually there is a interesting, psychological experiment that was done about this, if you give a group of experts the task of making their way out of a room that has the tools of their field in it for that purpose they might not even be capable of figuring it out.
A random group of people who have no idea what those tools are for, might on the other hand use (or abuse) said tools to get the job done: break out of that room.
So there are other factors that decide how we use any tool, like Bitcoin and tech like Nostr. For these two examples we are actually figuring out and building a new reality as we go, around those two groundbreaking innovations.


Our use of tools of course belongs on a tactical level most of the time. Lets say you invest in the knowledge and tools to do a particular trade. Once you're set up you better get into the tactics of getting that ROI, if you start up as a plumber you better not offer the first customer an oil painting instead!
This is the thing with the insane level of complexity a free market represents; there are thousands, millions or more of people who use their given tools in tactical ways to feed themselves and more.
What about a communist command economy like the one we see emerging in the West? Well then the tactics of any sane individual will have to incorporate dealing with that, so the real level of complexity in that economy doesn't really come down, it might even get more obscure...


Even the most stressed out, hard working individual will sometimes be able to take a step back, and do at least some basic thinking around what they're doing and what is going on.
Traditionally large families had the elders for this function, their experience was respected and utilized. This is the way that things still work in many areas of the world, and the more aware a family or group of people can be about this level the better their chance of survival is long term.
In the emerging freedom movement online we see that this level of thinking is highly attractive to many, long form video that goes into the depth of anything necessary are popular, the best content creators can make a living this way!
This is very promising for the future. Regardless of what you might think about the whole way things function in the legacy world or systems, if there is some design behind the dumbing down or not, this depth and rational analysis and discussions on a strategic level is what we need to break free.
And this is also how we build the next level as we go:


A culture in the traditional sense emerged as a full on contest with the local conditions, and thus they have very deep traits that come from things like the seasons, or gave them archetypes from the local animals and so on.
Storytelling used to be an important part of this, a good story told around a camp fire can carry over a lot of complexity and wisdom, in a very simple format. Likewise archetypes can work this way, one image can convey a lot, with details that might not be known to the viewer, but still intuitive knowledge might be transferred.
Culture is the most complex, total system of systems. It includes everything "under" it in the stack, from traditional tools and how to use them, to stories about how to get the tactics right, or learn from those that fucked up. Especially vast stores of strategic experience within the culture forms maybe the most important part of the core, a good example is all the tales, sayings and stories about stacking up food for the winter that belongs to the colder climates. The opposite is the case around equator, where there is always food hanging on a tree, but moving around too frenetically in the heat might whack you, the whole culture is very different.

The terrain

Since we're discussing the visible, tangible world here we should mention the terrain, the outer world itself.
For around a hundred years plus we've had international travel with ease, and also all sorts of mixed up migration and cultural exchange. This has normalized not adhering closely to the culture one was born in, and also it has enabled the formation of more synthetic cultures.
It would be helpful, I think, to analyze what the terrain is for any given, emerging culture. Take the case of big social media as an example, very few know that an integral part of that "new terrain" is a hypercharged, behavioral machine of manipulation, that can sway not only individuals but also elections and the directions of traditional cultures.
Is this evil? Done with intention, or did it just emerge as a phenomenon from the tech itself? In this analysis this matters far less than understanding this as terrain, a terrain that inevitably affects the whole stack for the users.
Bitcoin and its adoption is to me maybe the most interesting case ever, when it comes to how the terrain abruptly changed, and how an emerging, new reality stack has emerged from it.
And with Bitcoin, this time around we seem to have a global terrain shift that is on the side of freedom and ordinary people, at least so far... More about that later!

That's it for now! 31 minutes spent, now its time for more coffee :-)