Satonomics is a free, open source, verifiable and self-hostable Bitcoin on-chain data generator and visualizer

v. 0.1.1 | 849240 - 2024/06/24


  • Fixed overflow in Price struct which caused many Realized Caps and Realized Prices to have completely bogus data
  • Fixed Realized Cap computation which was using rounded prices instead normal ones


  • Added the chunk, date and time of the request to the terminal logs


  • Chart
    • Added double click option on a legend to toggle the visibility of all other series
    • Added highlight effect to a legend by darkening the color of all the other series on the chart while hovering it with the mouse
    • Added an API link in the legend for each dataset where applicable (when isn't generated locally)
    • Save fullscreen preference in local storage and url
    • Improved resize bar on desktop
    • Changed resize button logo
    • Changed the share button to visible on small screen too
    • Improved share screen
    • Fixed time range shifting not being the one in url params or saved in local storage
    • Fixed time range shifting on series toggling via the legend
    • Fixed time range shifting on fullscreen
    • Fixed time range shifting on resize of the sidebar
    • Set default view at first load to last 6 months
    • Added some padding around the datasets (year 1970 to 2100)
  • History
    • Changed background for the sticky dates from blur to a solid color as it didn't appear properly in Firefox
  • Build
    • Tried to add lazy loads to have split chunks after build, to have much faster load times and they worked great ! But they completely broke Safari on iOS, we can't have nice things
    • Removed many libraries and did some things manually instead to improve build size
  • Strip
    • Temporarily removed the Home button on the strip bar on desktop as there is no landing page yet
  • Settings
    • Added version
  • PWA
    • Fixed background update
    • Changed update check frequency to 1 minute (~1kb to fetch every minute which is very reasonable)
    • Added a nice banner to ask the user to install the update
  • Misc
    • Removed tracker even though it was a very privacy friendly as it appeared to not be working properly


  • Deleted old price datasets and their backups