The network of miners (I would say is the entity called 'Bitcoin' you refer to as not giving a shit) would probably care if there were to be a more-attractive alternative one day. I agree with that fact: time is time and continues on. If you believe what's outside BTC to be noise, then just wait it out and full attention/dedication will return to it. I don't think it's entirely noise, but yes, there is a lot of it - good luck to those trying to navigate those waters..
As I see, the problem is not crypto-world specific. It's human. We can address whatever it is we see as the issue (greed, delusion/ignorance, etc); just we should seek to solve it at the root. This means, look beyond Bitcoin/crypto/money for that matter.
I don't think 'dumb people' are pushing shitcoins/other cryptocurrencies. Quite the opposite, probably?, extremely smart (some would say: cunning) and, probably by now loaded, players are, simply put, working their business. The 'dumb' people are the ones who believe them and go on to share the 'investment' further, but even then at times - who can blame them - some schemes are, as with their masters, purposefully-designed to be cunning/duping and a lot appeals to greed.
End of the day, for all we know, BTC is some government/NSA brainchild and we're all shitcoiners cheering for a same (if not, an even more aggressive) economic system, currently one that's 2 steps from implosion/disaster.
Alas, all this to say that I disagree with: "ANYTHING that is not Bitcoin is a shitcoin".
In other words, anything that slows down the sovereignty of "everyone", is shit and should be treated as such.
Promoting anything else, for whatever reason or motive, is straight up either ignorance or evil. Either way, no excuse is good enough.
What a load of crock.
Care to address some points, so we can have a normal discussion?
I disagree with the premise:
The network of miners (I would say is the entity called 'Bitcoin'...
I recommend the book "The Blocksize War" on this topic.