Conbase was really like "We can't figure this out" and just outsourced it
I’d guess it was more like “we can pay someone to figure this out” but maybe even wanting to outsource suggests lightning is too hard.
I think since it’s not core to their business, they don’t have much motivation to build it themselves. I’ve never used Coinbase but I assume they have some third party integration for on- and off-ramps, which is basically what this is.
I think since it’s not core to their business
This is exactly why you shouldn't use Conbase
deleted by author
That's was perhaps the good idea :-) At least we have it now...
Just tried it with some economic dust that was trapped on coinbase. It worked really well.
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @OT 24 Jun
What was the fee?
I really can't believe it took Coinbase this long to do it, and then they don't even build it in house - they outsource it.
Big win financially for Lightspark I guess!
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