John is the CEO and Founder of Zaprite, an invoicing platform that helps anyone get paid in Bitcoin.
In our talk, we spoke about how Zaprite’s product works, the challenges keeping people from getting paid in Bitcoin, and the things people really care about when accepting payments: fees, speed, and stability.
→ Zaprite:

00:00 - Intro 02:11 - John from Zaprite Intro 12:20 - How To Get People Earning Bitcoin 20:34 - Payment Fees, Speed, and Price Stability 37:19 - Aggregating Balances Across Lightning Wallets 42:55 - KYC Rules for Bitcoin Invoicing and Accounting Software 47:43 - Operating a Bitcoin Startup in an Uncertain World 1:02:39 - Austin’s Bitcoin Community 1:11:58 - The Lightning Round