Let's have some positive discussion on the pros of alternate use-cases for cryptocurrencies other than Bitcoin. Convince me on smart-contracts, switching between multiple assets and securities, unique types of blockchains, NFTs, etc.
Why is your alt coin better / different than Bitcoin? Is there a coin that you believe might actually overtake Bitcoin?
As we all know, Google was the 20th search engine. Bitcoin could very well be left in the dust for something better, faster, stronger.
Personally I think Bitcoin and Monero can co-exist without problems. There are strong use cases for both. I have some info about Monero here: https://anarkio.codeberg.page/monero/
Monero's main advantage is on-chain privacy by default (automatically hides addresses, amounts and TX history for all transactions, just click the "Send" button). Low fees (less than 1 cent) and 2 minute blocktimes (and relatively safe 0-conf) enable fast in-person transactions without a need for Layer 2. This benefits circular economies, such as a Monero-friendly taxi, convenience store or cafe. CPU mining makes mining more accessible and decentralized, and the tail emission (activated this year, included in the original 2014 code) means that miners will always have a block reward incentive, while keeping inflation under 1%/year.
I looked at ETH smart contracts around 2017 but didn't do anything since then. Smart contracts seem useful and many people like them. Dark.fi looks like a good, privacy-friendly and agorist smart contract platform (but not launched yet). I saw these two platforms for Bitcoin-based smart contracts: https://www.rsk.co/ and https://www.stacks.co/ but didn't try them yet.
There's no second best
DigiCash eGold eCash B-Money Flooz HashCash Liberty Dollars BitGold Q Coins
These were all predecessors to BTC.
Why would you do this here? Shill & Tell.
Honestly, this is a shitpost. I won't ever buy another crypto besides bitcoin, but DarthCoin insists that I'm a shitcoiner after telling him dozens of times I'm not. So I'll continue to post about shitcoins until he admits I'm not a shitcoiner
DarthCoin was mean to you and so you became shitcoiner to show him?
Don't let your adversaries define you.
Let’s not…
I think there is no discussion, Bitcoin is decentralization. Most of the tokens that are compared to Bitcoin are pre-mined, have a CEO or infinite supply.
Who argues about which is better or worse is wasting time.