That's insane. When you're emigrating that you can't take all your money with you and you have to pay taxes for leaving. What are your thoughts on staying/leaving in the EU?
i assume that, in addition to capital controls, even higher exit taxes will of course be implemented in all countries during the coming debt crisis in the eurozone. this is how they are protecting themselves against a direct crash. anyone who can should leave the eurozone! there are even opportunities in europe, such as Switzerland or eastern europe.
42 sats \ 1 reply \ @duvel 26 Jun
Switzerland or eastern Europe could be better options, but the EU could force these countries to eventually adopt certain regulations or worst case sanctioning them. Then you have the EU putting everything on going to war and have a war economy and putting together the EU army. Perhaps outside the EU is a more safer option, depending on the country. What do you think?
exactly. we are on the way to a war economy, war bonds, capital controls and all the others around it in europe that are not members of the eurozone are being forced right into it. basically you have to go! or you take the lifeboat that we are all aware of