The problem is that so much of what is "our culture" these days is alien, a mixed up thing, and in my opinion really synthetic.
What is it you think is really synthetic about our culture? Understanding the history of that thing might lead you to greater clarity.
I think it's pretty cool that you commit yourself to physical traditional living. I do the same thing, although instead of elements exposure, I subject myself to rather rigorous physical training that challenges the myriad of possible expressions of the human form. Instead of solely analyzing traditional approaches to movement and physical expression, however, I take it upon myself to try to understand the varied expressions of the human body based on current understandings of anatomy and exercise science.
I don't know the actual numbers, but if you take into account the number of bones and muscles in the human body, and the different ways they can move, I believe there actually is a "fixed number" which demarcates all the different ways the human body can move. Fascinating! I hope to someday have something like an "optimal aptitude" of these possible physical expressions.