Yes, what I've learnt so far, it seems that reducing the power of ruling class has to be one of the outcomes that we achieve in Bitcoin standard. What I don't see or pains me that we don't talk a lot about what process we must go through to achieve this outcome. Am I right?
I don't think it has to be a planned approach. I view it as more of a natural process, like erosion.
Building up our systems will consequently undermine theirs.
Natural process! Right, it has to be that way. As, you say 'building up our systems', what type of systems you are referring to? I can guess but please tell for the sake of generating conclusion.
I mean everything that enhances our ability to interact without using the things they control. The list is endless: LN, nostr, local meetups, merchant adoption, accounting systems...
Thank you so much! Bd it endless, I'll prepare.