Local automation is already an available service through CLBOSS and LNDg. However, making good decisions about whom to connect to is stymied by only using data local to the node. This optimization problem is a better fit to centralized processing as we see with Waze/google/Amazon.
The only Hydro setting that requires data is inbound liquidity targets. Setting target inbound liquidity automations requires attesting to the current inbound liquidity, but it's just an attestation.
Local automation is already an available service through CLBOSS and LNDg
Just because nobody else was collecting data. Does not give excuse for someone to start collecting data.
Making good decisions about whom to connect to is [difficult]
No, its easy. Just open channels to who you need to pay the most. This strategy works amazing for pleb, business, and exchange nodes.
What's difficult is what you're trying to do: making good decisions FOR OTHER NODES about whom to connect to.
Making good decisions for others requires knowing more about them than they do. This is anti-privacy by definition.