Today I want to share with you a series of street photos that I took yesterday while driving through the upper part of the city. I went to a residential area of San Cristobal city looking to take pictures to share with you and that you could appreciate a little more of Venezuelan life: its architecture, people, traditions, etc....
I really liked this first photo because of the architecture of the houses surrounded by some ornamental flowers.
A sign indicating to be careful with cyclists who usually pass through this area.
And the sign was right!! 2 minutes later, a few meters away, I ran into this cyclist.
I like to photograph the old cars that can be found in Venezuela so when I saw this Volkswagen Beetle I didn't hesitate to take a photo of it:
It is worth emphasizing that these types of old cars are still in daily operation...
The surprise came when I got closer to the car, there was a doll inside the car and I must admit that at first it shocked me a little hahaha but then I found it funny...
I loved the motion blur in this photo:
A man walking, a pretty house, a lady doing work inside the house and the mountain in the background, this photo has many layers...
These phones used to work....
I liked how that car looked under the tree...
A man working, he was fixing the light bulb outside his house.
In my street photographs I do not look for the "perfect image" because I like to portray reality as raw it is.
Thanks you for watching!!
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Are you shooting in black and white these days (sometimes I do that so that forces the pictures to be B&W) or are you editing them to B&W afterwards?
i shoot on color and RAW and i eedit them afterwards to be b/w in lightroom
Very good photographs, I love the spontaneity of your photos, keep bringing them.
I love your photographs and I really appreciate the simplicity of your photos around the city, I love that street photography, but there is something I would like to mention, have you perhaps thought that the people you photograph may not want to appear in your image? So I think you think it's okay to photograph his face and then make your publications? In that aspect I think it shouldn't be like that, maybe it's just my opinion, maybe it would be better if the people who appear in your street photos don't have their faces seen, maybe from the back or simply edit their face and leave it as is. the rest. and I apologize if I offend your work, it's not my intention, it's just an opinion
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