I don't know how hidden it is but I play multiple musical instruments. Primarily guitar but I can also play bass guitar, piano and a bit of drums. I have also written over 100 songs.
You could make a band with stackers. You, @ek and @supertestnet singing 🤠
I'm in.
I still play music a bit, I did violin for years as a kid but I never really talk about it. These days I like primarily Guitar and Piano.
Very nice.
I would lovingly be the lead singer.
100 songs? Damn impressive
Any residual checks lol?
Haha I wish. No, my band released a couple albums independently and played gigs around Toronto for a few years. Nothing too exciting.
At some point I hope to re-release some of the music on wavlake and hopefully earn some sats. That was supposed to be one of my projects this year but I have done nothing about it.