I have not read about it. I wonder however if that solution might scale, but what is more important, if that solution might handle consensus, tx broadcasting, and blocks on 100k+ nodes. Either you have something centralized like Solana (less than 1k nodes, all nodes at datacenters) or something that breaks all the time like Nano, which I believe uses DAG.
Node communication is one of the biggest challenges on Bitcoin , a problem that people usually take for granted, but devs have spent a lot of time addressing it. So I do not believe an overnight project have solved it.
Sure, there is always trade-offs and I think that is fine. A layer 2 or 3 does not need to have the same decentralization and security guarantees as the base chain. I even think custodial solutions are eventually fine for everyday purposes. I don't care if I have a few sats for groceries on a normal bank account in the future.