The Bank of Japan (BOJ) plays a key role in influencing the value of the yen:
  1. Monetary policy: The BOJ's ultra-loose monetary policy, including maintaining near-zero interest rates, has contributed to the yen's weakness against other major currencies like the US dollar. The interest rate differential between Japan and the US makes investing in US assets more attractive, putting downward pressure on the yen.
  2. Foreign exchange intervention: The BOJ buys and sells yen for foreign currencies to stabilize the exchange rate of the yen. It has intervened in the past to support the yen when it has weakened excessively.
  3. Providing yen liquidity: The BOJ provides yen liquidity to overseas account holders by accepting yen deposits, acting as a custodian for yen-denominated securities, and providing liquidation services for Japanese Government Securities (JGSs).
  4. Monitoring and analysis: The BOJ closely monitors economic and financial conditions, both domestically and globally, to assess the impact of exchange rate movements. It uses extensive research and analysis to guide its monetary policy decisions.
  5. Transparency and communication: The BOJ aims to enhance transparency by immediately releasing its monetary policy decisions, holding regular press conferences, and publishing the Summary of Opinions and minutes of its Monetary Policy Meetings.
However, the BOJ's ability to control the yen's value is limited, as exchange rates are ultimately determined by market forces. The yen's recent weakness is also driven by factors beyond the BOJ's control, such as the divergence in monetary policy between Japan and the US, and the strength of the US dollar.
Sources [1] [PDF] Functions and Operations of the Bank of Japan [2] Bank of Japan (BOJ): Organization, Monetary Policy, Transparency [3] Japanese Companies Struggle With Weak Yen (JPY USD) [4] Japan's yen falls to its weakest since 1990 against the dollar [5] For Japan Inc., the weak yen may be too much of a good thing