In May, inflation expectations among consumers in the Eurozone decreased but still exceeded the ECB's 2% target. According to the latest survey by the European Central Bank, consumers anticipate a 2.8% rise in prices over the next year, down from 2.9% in April, marking the lowest level since September 2021. Over a three-year horizon, consumers foresee inflation at 2.3%, slightly down from 2.4%.
The ECB gets room to pump if consumer demand collapses...
Printer goes brrrr
but it's important to understand why the printer is running hot. it's because our commies here are shooting their bullshit initiatives for their green transformation through the sky and crowding out the private sector.
Instead of a robust and apolitical measure of economic value we have inflation targets and surveys of inflation expectations. What a needless waste of human time and prosperity.
A Europe of the regions, the principle of subsidiarity, free markets and the autonomy of individuals-these are the values that Europeans need to focus on if they want to find a way out of their fatal situation.
I sometimes wonder if we would still think and assess all these measures in Golc standard. Or; what about Bitcoin Stsndard now? Will these assumptions of inflation, DEFLATION, rates, printing, fake or real all come yo an end?