Scientists discovered the asteroid called 2024 MK just a few days before its passage. With a diameter between 120 and 260 meters, 2024 MK will pass just 290 thousand kilometers away from Earth, closer than the Moon, which is about 384.4 thousand km from our planet.
Scientists say there is no risk of collision. Thank goodness, because any object closer to Earth than 20 meters can cause damage to the ground, and 2024 MK is more than six times that size.
Even if there is no risk of collision, the fact that it was discovered only a week before its passage is a little worrying.
An asteroid the size of 2024 MK would cause considerable damage if it came our way, so discovering its arrival a few days beforehand has alerted the scientific community to the constant need to improve technologies capable of detecting objects close to Earth.
Asteroid 2024 MK will be observable in the sky on Saturday, with the help of a telescope. Asteroid 2024 MK will pass close to Earth 06/29/2024
Asteroid ☄️ is something to monitor
Carbon emissions should be ignored
Thank you for publishing the information. Since I was little, I have been a lover of astronomy, the universe and all the mysteries it still hides.
Thanks for posting.
Some more detail from NASA (CBC):
Sizes are not to scale.