I'm very confident that it's unintentional. As much as Trump lies about dumb stuff that doesn't matter, I think he's the most honest president of my lifetime, in the sense that he says what he thinks.
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It came out yesterday when he was talking about abortion. He kinda just went rambling because you could clearly tell he was uncomfortable with the topic, and at some point he even said, "Look, you gotta get elected". That's basically his stream of consciousness about abortion right there...
Its funny to me. The democrats criticize him for the reasons many people voted for him and will do it again. I have heard over and over that he picked justices that would overturn Roe. Yeah, he ran on that like every Republican in my lifetime did. But he actually vetted them apparently. Another way to look at it is he did what every democrat president has done. Picked justices that align with their party values.
Trump is a salesmen and businessman and applies that (good and bad) to politics. He's terrible at hiring people but is quick to fire. He makes absurd declarations and then softens. His whole presence in politics has been a massive IQ test for politicians and the voters and they seem to be failing.
Yeah, that's a great example. I've heard others kinda say the same thing. Ramaswamy was saying Trump asked him about CBDCs and what was the problem with them. Some of Trump's appeal is that he ISN'T well versed on a lot of topics. He says what a lot of people think, right or wrong. He says what most politicians would not say but may think.
What you see is what you get with Trump.
He doesn’t pretend to be someone he is not.
The guy from the Apprentice is the same guy who was in the White House.