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Hey All -If you knew you only had a year to live - how would you spend your Bitcoin (or hodl)? Maybe I'm thinking of things too quantitatively, but the way I would approximate it would be the following:
  • 20% I would spend traveling to my favorite places in the world, going on several adventures
  • 20% I would give to open source projects in the Bitcoin space like OpenSats, Mi Primer Bitcoin, and other compelling projects on Geyser Fund
  • 40% To my fiancé, family & close friends
  • 10% On my favorite restaurants, and bitcoin businesses
  • 10% I would donate to zappers all around the community based on the quality and content of posts
Generally, what approach would you take if you had a year to live? Feel free not to share if its too personal. I know its an interesting thing to ponder...
I will spend a lot of time with my family in that one year. And in the remaining time, I will prepare assets only for them so that they do not face any problem in my absence in future.
Family is the most important in the end!
Yes bro. You are absolutely right.
I probably wouldn't spend my time much differently. I'd prioritize my comfort a little more and make sure my affairs are in order, but it's been a long time since I've waited to do what I want do in life.
As for what little inheritance I have to leave, I'd leave it, weight-ranked, to my wife, dad (he's retiring this year and is financially anxious), sister, and mom.
I think Bitcoin inheritance definitely needs more conversations in the space. I listen to alot of podcast and I only heard it maybe once or twice in the past couple of years. I bet a lot of bitcoiners haven't setup the proper situation in case of sudden death.
Make sure the family is set up then spend time with the people I care about most.
I wouldn’t spend my bitcoin. I would leave it behind for my kids.
I would probably do one big final zapping spree here on SN to empty all my lightning wallets but I wouldn’t touch my cold storage sats.
In terms of how I would spend my time. With my family.
The fam is the most important in the end!
I would go out and max out as much credit as I can and buy as much non-kyc bitcoin or mix that bitcoin put it into a wallet with a deadman switch that triggers a few years later lol
hahaha - Shorting the dollar at the finest
It's a question that goes deeper than it looks...
My first instinct is to answer that I would spend my time with those that are important to me. But that begs the question: should we really "wait" until there is almost no time so we start valuing those important to us?
I ask this as maybe we should start living today! I think many of us are waiting until that moment to do things, when in reality we can get hit by a bus or get a disease tomorrow.
Precisely. That's why I chose my bio, so I keep reminding myself that we are all going to die someday, so we should make it worthwhile.
I will travel with my wife to visit my family living in others countries.
I will left to my wife 80% of my SATs, the 20% will be use it to pay for the leisure in my last year.
I sometimes wonder would I do any "work" I think I would, but only if it was for a blog, or piece I am trying to write. Nothing for corporate.
I would spend 30% of my time with my family, the rest I would spend traveling to places where I have always wanted to go, as far as money or sats go, I would leave it to my family.
I wrote about it before. If I may paste my response:
My ex-student asked me what I would have done if I were given a certain amount of years to live. My thoughts went to my children, and I spoke unhesitatingly, “Most likely I would want to make as much money as possible so that they are adequately funded to have a head start in life.” Of course, I have tons of things I hope to accomplish before I meet death. But if I’m really staring at it in the face, my bucket list doesn’t matter anymore. My children’s happiness does. I’m not that scared of death anymore. Because I have a final task to keep my eye on before the curtains close forever. This is not to say that having a fatter bank account will necessarily lead to more happiness on their part, but I have had friends who grew up impoverished. I think raising yourself from the jaws of poverty frames your world view in a sticky way that is quite hard to undo. You evaluate all your decisions based on whether they would be financially lucrative - or at least, that’s what my friends do. At the end of the day, I just want my kids to march into their 20s, encumbered from the shackles of adulting. That they seriously worry about which country to explore next rather than agonise over looming student loan debts.
Love this! A very selfless think to do is to think about your kids first. I don't have any (yet)!
Movie night with the family!
I think broadly speaking there are three things that I would like to do:
  • Spend some quality time with friends and family and paying for their accommodation, meals, etc, so that they can take time off work.
  • Travel to cities or countries that I have on my list for visiting, and just meet people, places, wander around, etc.
  • Learn about how the world works in general, and solve practical problems with software.
Not sure how much time I would allocate to each one, and I wouldn't like the feeling of finishing one activity forever, so I would probably just jump around doing the three alternating them.
This is pretty close to what I would do! I think traveling and squeezing the most experiences/adventures.
First I would enjoy each of my days to the fullest, I would share with the people I loved and try to teach them everything I have learned about bitcoin.
Quite intriguing!
If I have only one year, I would probably be with my family and my loved ones all the time. I would teach them every bit of Bitcoin that I know. Also, I wouldn't touch my cold storage for donating or such stuffs. But, yeah emptying LN wallets would be amusing.
All lightning wallets would be spent from my side on zaps :D
I would give 100% of my time to my family and things I want to do. I wouldnt waste it on traveling.
Maybe travel with family?! Sitting in airport hell doesn't sound too appealing...
traveling in general doesnt sound appealing.