if i buy a book and it was the last one on the shelf and 10 others want it. I have the right to sell it. Tesla can go f himself, he's far from the original inventor.
plus it makes used tesla trucks more valuable.
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It makes them more valuable, but tesla cant make the profit if it cant sell it. Hence why they have it in the contract. That is why you read it and decide if you want to sign. No one is forcing you to sign it to buy a tesla. There are other options.
True, but it's still fraud because the fact wasn't disclosed. I think you're misunderstanding the part where the relationship of "owner" was reversed. Musk, still owns the Truck technically after you've purchased it and had the title transferred. You see, he created the truck(held in a trust) so he owns the original manufacturer certificate. Even if you bought it, you never "TRULY" own the truck unless you hold this certificate. This is also why police can issue tickets to the vehicle. If you create and drive your own vehicle, they can't issue a ticket even if you go super fast on the highway.