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It's Saturday, thus it is poll day!
Last week I asked stackers if they wanted a second half MLB Survivor Pool. We settled on a shorter pool that would go 7 weeks from the all star break to the end of August. The post all star week will be a tough one as there will only be 3 games played that week. Considering this, should we keep the 3 strike rule for elimination or change it?
How many strikes should participants get in the second half MLB survivor pool before they are eliminated?
Other (comment)0.0%
10 votes \ poll ended
I really liked the buy-back-in mechanism @Coinsreporter used for cricket. How about one strike and one paid reentry?
That could work.
Thanks! I would also suggest to limit it to one or 2.
Whatever the rule is I will like it. My choice is 3.
Do the picks get easier in August and September?
Probably not but maybe after the trade deadline.
That sounds like a fun competition! How does the second half MLB Survivor Pool work?
I will post the rules the week before but each participant will pick one team per week and that team needs to win at least half of their games that given week. You can only use a team once.
Seeing as it is a shorter pool I am thinking about making it that a teams needs to win a majority of their games. The first half pool lasted 14 weeks so if we use the exact same rules we will have too many players tied at the end.
I'd prefer 2 strikes. It will be nothing but suspense and fun.
2 would be good. Not yours, not mine!
Oh man this UFC main card sucks so far.