If the goal of a master is to reincarnate in a position to maximally help others, why is he being brought back to the monastery? That makes no sense to me. Monasteries are frozen in time, all they do is pray and meditate. Who are the monks helping there? Better let him become a great scientist, or a doctor, or a president... I believe a buddha should live incognito among laypeople, helping the civilization to evolve more harmoniously.
So scientists, doctors and presidents did good things in 2020? Including creating the whole crisis in the first place?
Monasteries are the opposite of frozen in time, they are the center of the intact culture and universe. Traditionally in Tibet they had grain reserves among other things, also medical help is part of what they should offer.
If you see how incredibly resourceful, strong and independent the Tibetans were and still are after having to flee in millions with next to nothing then you get a better picture of what the monasteries and also even hermits have to offer: knowledge and training of the mind, which is key to most things in the first place!
As for staying incognito this probably happens a lot too :-)
Grain reserves are ok if we lived in the 16th century, but what knowledge can they offer today? The world evolves, life gets harder and harder for an average person, but this is just the nature's way to produce change. I would not want to live many boring lives as a lama. I understand the end goal as stopping the wheel of samsara. In fact, I think we are living through the end of times, I would really not like to be reborn here.