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"moment that China looks tired, Russia is no longer investible and other emerging markets face instability" Isnt it pathetic that India looks nice because everything else looks bad?
True. I think they've been underrated anyhow, though. The engineering and tech potential is awesome. The need to quicken the breakdown of the caste system to really unleash human potential. It is starting to happen.
China can't win, because of the oppression. You can't really have free markets and unfree people. Not for the long-term.
I know they hold a lot of gold, but most of it is held by the individual people.
A good thing
They have a strong foundation if the people work together.
That is the challenge. One of the most diverse country on Earth. Over 100 languages and dialects. I say it is already a miracle they hold nationhood.
I think that this is an event that was coming due to all the shaking of the markets in China and that Russia was no longer safe in its current moment of war. India seems very acceptable and safe.
India right now is China in the 1980s in my opinion. They are positioned for a breakout.
They just need to get inflation a bit lower. Check out the Nifty Index, that thing has been soaring.
  1. More educated population
  2. Democratic Republic
  3. No need to compete with US in Defense spending
at the moment The regulatory environment in India has been evolving to accommodate and foster fin-tech innovation while ensuring consumer protection and financial stability