You know two, I live next four on my right and three above me in my building. I drive and see them every day. You see the “two” that you mention, every once in a while. The military brat isn't even an accurate representation unless they're of Chamorro lineage. Even if they are Chamorro ancestry, do they speak the language? Do they know the history of their people or history of the Americans? Being born on Guam instantaneously makes every one here as U.S. Citizens. Guam/America Samoa is the "FARM" that the U.S. is using to fight wars abroad.
👉Territory residents in Guam and American Samoa serve in the military at much higher rates than those in the states. The territories are also home to more than 100,000 veterans.
Military brat is American.
I don’t know about my other friend. Work friend
Miltary Brat is American--- U.S. national, State citizen, and U.S. Citizen. They can also fall under the nonstatutory or statutory category as well.
Me- expanding your definition. If you don't know the difference, I'll make it easy. One is sovereign and the other voluntarily relinquishes.