Downsizing everything, living in smaller house but good location for better quality of life, to save time and to be able to walk everywhere almost (and save from public transport). Can walk to work also. Sold car and scooter 2021. Canceled all subscriptions, yt and spotify free versions are ok, even if annoying with ads, netflix sharing with 2 other families, audible cancel and can get offer for 3 months with half price, spotify same,
Doing free activities like walking and hiking near home. Not buying new clothes, etc all new things and specially gadgets i think i need
Realised i can work much less stressful job half time and dedicate more time for my physical and mental health
Big saving eating healthy, specially dont use food delivery and eating out, still once a month like dating night, it is enough
Then you realise and accept what you have already is enough and learned to be grateful, it really helps.
And like knut grandfather said: if you dont desire that lambo anymore or whatever, anymore, you already own it.
Instead of books, there is podcasts like What Bitcoin Did or just listening Saylor and shitposting in X
All good things in life are free! Or almost
Good luck!