Reich is a progressive. I've listened to his nonsense since he was under Clinton. I would be absolutely shocked if has corrected been critical of the Federal reserve. I'm sure he has been critical of them but I doubt for reasons we would agree on.
This article is about his video series with is full on bad information. Nothing new. Just the same old progressive tropes.
Actually he is a communist but he lacks self awareness
Also, separate his research from his video and TV hustle. He pimps the system, but also does serious economic policy research.
He's a fervent progressive. Never said he isnt. But if the arguments have no gray areas and were just saying Progressive Vs Austrian, you all are correct. I argue there is nuance being missed and intentionally excluded in this political climate. Reich is one of the few progressives that will critique both sides. But he's definitely pro poor people and argued for a different use of the Fed, as opposed to abolishing.
I think the devil is in the details.
Yeah, I just don't see how this article is unfair to him. In the context of this topic he doesn't point to the problem with the Fed and the state. The writer points out where he is right. I do not think people are just right/wrong because of the camp they are in. Companies do seek to use the state to act in unfair ways.
I agree with you, the devil is in the details. I just don't think this article was unfair at all. Maybe the writer could have reworded it a bit. I don't see it as worth arguing about. Dude isn't all wrong but Reich's series on myths has been... disappointing to say the least.
It’s not a hit piece unless criticism means hit piece
Perhaps it is my educated bias, but I obviously think lumping him with the others is political garbage. Although I don't have a problem Warren being lumped into this group.