Dig into his research, pull a few titles and check out abstracts.
If you can't tell, I work in the academy. I personally know mathematicians and engineers working as economists without the econ degree, which is why I disagree with your perspective.
Also see this about how to become an economist without an economics degree.
I don't know why you keep framing my view that way, when I said that if you work as an economist then I consider you an economist.
My first approximation of a definition is that you either have the training or do the work.
I'm not a credentialist type of person, but we do use words to mean specific things.
I think I missed that. I've been driving the last few hours.
Love the engagement. Thanks for clarifying and being patient with some of my abrupt responses.
No problem. As usual, I think we finally got to where we at least understand each other.