By: Rhesa Browning - Libertarian Christian Institute
The writer of this post doesn't mention bitcoin but it fits the bill.
Proverbs 11:1-2 – “A false balance is an abomination to the Lord, But a just weight is His delight.”
Proverbs 16:13 – “A just balance and scales belong to the Lord; All the weights of the bag are His concern.”
In a common practice today the USDOT issues bonds to the Fed and the Fed buys them with new money they create ex nihilo. You hear about this in the news. It’s called “increasing the debt.” The process increases the money supply or the amount of U.S. Dollars in existence. Sometimes the U.S. Federal government and the Fed decide together to create money for the Fed to loan to other banks and politically connected people. The news media calls this Quantitative Easing, economic stimulus, or bank stabilization. All these actions taken by the government and the central bank are morally equivalent to the types of theft God speaks out against in the Bible.
In order to have a healthy economy we must have honest and stable money. We must call on our leaders to adopt God’s policy of just weights and measures.
55 sats \ 3 replies \ @go 2 Jul
This meme never got traction in the Meme Monday parade, but maybe here’s the spot for it
I had to look it up... maybe that's why.
I've found that some very well read people assume others have their vocabulary or knowledge. Seen that as well with people that think some of us are just writing things everyone has heard.
Some overestimate their knowledge, others underestimate it. In my experience there are always people on both sides of us. Those that know more and those that know less. This applies to the younger and older but also isn't dependent on age.
And many of us have read/heard so much we forgot things.
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @go 3 Jul
I realize what you said is as basic as saying, the sun rises and sets each day, but it feels like good wisdom and a good reminder