The really interesting thing about this is the Transmoaist movement is funded by the big pharma (pig pharma). So one trans patient getting "healthcare" will make a pharma company about 1 million dollars fiat USD. It's a funded and the "activists" are getting paid to destroy organizations where the benefit is: funded transhumanism, or destroying structures where people gather based on family, culture, and ideas that interfere with communism.
The sad part is that it's also promoted by eugenicists as well. It's a cash cow and it's destroying the health of many young people. No Agenda has producers who have transitioned over 10 years ago or more and sadly they are wearing adult diapers and have many health issues that have made them over dependent on big pharma.
There are also fake trans "influencers" who get paid to push.
The only way this stops is when doctors start getting sued by adults who were transitioned as minors.
I absolutely do not believe in the system to solve any problems. Doctors don't have their own practices anymore. Doctors are broke, their insurance, paychecks and incentives all come from the well funded big pharma hospitals. How this nonsense stops is when people stop relying on the system to fix people. People can and do heal themselves, they manage themselves and they don't need co-operative organizations with bylaws and rules that contradict what is nature.
People can do everything needed to live a good life here and they don't need central planners deciding what is and is not applicable in life. All actions are the responsibility of individuals. Blaming others is an illness. We are all responsible for the results and the work we do. That's it. Pleasing a group or a government is an illusion. I'm the end of is what we do or do not that affects this whole operation.