We def not ready but forced change is still change. One of the reasons I continue to read more about this transformation is that it eerily reminds me of the transition in the music industry when musicians quickly shifted from analog to digital recording, almost overnight.
This shift, combined with the rise of Napster, caused a major upheaval. I suspect we'll experience a similar process with AI. This time, technologists will understand that pain and disruption. Being extremely niche with a community has never been more important.
The initial phase will be marked by an overwhelming wave of commoditization. Maybe just maybe Bitcoin will be that P2P layer extract that value.
I think it is dependent on a few factors. People are worried AI will take over everything, but I believe no matter what there will always need to be oversight. Maybe it takes on some tech positions, but their code isnt going to be implemented without it being checked by human eyes, first.
30 sats \ 1 reply \ @Car OP 4 Jul
It was the same with the music industry; all that resulted were lawsuits and the DMCA. I imagine we'll see something similar. As for...
checked by human eyes, first.
Different plugins fixed this, as well as having a producer or a curator of great taste to clean up the sound after it was tracked or layed down.
Dont get me wrong, there is a lot AI could do. But it will forever need to be checked by a human. Im sure people will get butt hurt and do things in order to stay relevant.