To go on a Bitcoin standard you have to embrace this fact, which may be scary to those who have fallen for the myth of certainty created by the fiat empire's brainwashing machine.
the only thing unchanged is change:) better to embrace the change and make it work in your favor instead of lying to yourself with a safety blanket.
But even if it does, at least you have accepted the truth; you may be broke, but your eyes are open.
I think one of the interesting things not many ppl talks about is once you truly understand Bitcoin, you probably would consume less but focus more on quality instead of keep buying junks, because every sat counts.
And why ppl want to have more money to spend in the fiat world in the first place? Consumerism, and maybe most of them are empty inside, so they want to show to others that they are "successful" and are able to buy XYZ... I used to think when I had more money, I would be able to buy whatever I wanted when I was younger too, but now I'm on the other side: I'm free to create whatever I want, finding the best ppl and making things happen, yes it takes more time and effort, but then I'm out of that giant consumerism game, and the beautiful part is I have full control in the process, so back to " you may be broke, but your eyes are open " even Bitcoin price go to zero, I already found out the trick on how to minimize my life yet with real quality stuff and depend less on others 👀 a wild but really fun path:)