A well-known creator has said
There are so many people who are so much better than me at so many things. But there is no one who would do exactly what I would do. So imma do it.
If you are looking for inspiration today, if you feel the swelling in your soul urging you to express, but you cannot yet get the spark lit, this is what I want you to try:
Fetch paper and pen. Take a seat. Look at the blank page, but do not see the blank, see what your mind sees. Move your pen. Now you've made some marks, but you're confused because it doesn't look like anything and you don't know why you're taking instructions from a disembodied voice on the internet. Stop. Stand up. Spin around four times. Get loose. Get silly - make a face! I am. Do you see it? (see it with your mind's eye). Get back to your paper and pen. Do it over again.
I am plebpoet, the quote above is my own quote, and I have helped two people unlock their creativity with this method. It's very good. Questions??
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I think we all have that creative side, that percentage of artist but many silence it, murder it in order to be a common citizen.
Great technique for getting out of the rhythm of the day. I think we all need to stand up, take a step back, get chill/funny & refocus. Far too often we can get in a rut.
i think we all need to become self aware of who we truly are, only then can we find the true source of our inspiration
Fetch paper and pen. Take a seat. Look at the blank page, but do not see the blank, see what your mind sees.
Great! As always, you're so amazing!
Cool! The way you've written it is so soothing to the heart!
Stop, stand, spin..
Using alliteration?
Very inspiring, really.
Thanks for the post.