Chevron was pro business… ergo regulators are pro business. There is truth to what Jacobs said if you are a big business
Chevron was anti small business Ergo regulators are anti small business
Chevron reinforced the cozy relationship between federal regulators and big business
Is Lazard a small business?
17 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b OP 7 Jul
Is Lazard a small business?
Based on the name alone I'd guess not.
The current CEO , Peter Orzsag, was director of OMB under Obama.
Lazard symbol is LAZ They are similar to Goldman Sachs
Jacobs joined Lazard in 1988. He is a member of the board of trustees of U of Chicago and the Brookings Institute
Board of trustees seats go to large donors. Brookings is a left of centre think tank.