Stacker News needs a block button. These shitcoiners and bootlickers are sending too much noise into the signal
When Stacker News grows up it will implement all the features that a well developed social platform like Hive has had for years 😎
I'm looking forward to it
What we need on here is an admin that will ban people like you. You insult people and attack them because their opinion is different than yours and you have no valid counter-argument to their argument. You are a waste of oxygen to be honest.
Oh you want me censored? You saw a newb post his bio and the first thing you did, without knowing anything about him, was accuse him of all sorts of things because he put "patriot" in his bio? You can dish it but can't take it? Typical ignorant liberal faggot.
Notice how I didn't call him a name or insult him personally though?
Just like you assumed I'm a Trump supporter and called me a cult member you dumb faggot
You did insult him personally, just without calling him names. He introduced himself and instead of getting to know him you were like "lol, I bet you...." followed by a bunch of bullshit.
I completely agree. too many BTC maxis for my liking.
The site is called Stacker news and the tipping currency is satoshis.... what did you expect