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I bet none of you knew about this historical novel, "It Can't Happen Here!", from 1935 by Sinclair Lewis. That same old, delusional expression is well remembered by Cuban and Venezuelan immigrants here in Argentina, as it was blindly blurted out with absolute confidence in the face of any fears that Fidel Castro and Hugo Chávez initiatives would end in distopic dictatorships.
But the novel precedes those disasters: it wasn't based on Cuba nor Venezuela, it was based on recent events in the USA itself, where fears of the unthinkable where met with such confident answer.
Sadly the All the King's Men movie fails miserably to portrait what the true danger was about, but by 1915, Huey Long started to emerge as more than a mere demagogue, but as a true menace to the base principles that had made the USA the world super-power it was.
I always say: people is people everywhere. I'm always met by weird theories on why Latin-America has been stuck as a 3rd world country for more than a century, but that wasn't our reality at first: we came down from being a 1st world country, not the other way around. By 1935 Argentina was on its way to beat the USA PCI when we decided that the current world wide fad was the way to go: socialists regimes raging Europe showed themselves as superior to capitalism, sported first by Mussolini, then by Hitler. And then, by Argentina. Our "Mussolini" was the infamous General Perón, who rose to political power after participating in a coup d'etat that allowed him to position himself as a leader in the fashion of Mussolini, to which he admired greatly.
"It's because of the dictatorships!", they say, so "it will never happen here!"... ...but, in a country without a single background event of an accomplished coup d'etat as the USA, the exact same thing was happening freely, organically, and with has much strength as anywhere else...
Here we can hear Perón's voice when we read the radical speeches with which Huey Long inflamed the masses about:
  • "Fighting capitalism!"
  • "Redistribution of Wealth!"
  • "Cap the Fortunes! Millionaires should not exist!"
  • "Expropriate luxurious 'excess' property!" (labeled like so at the discretion of the govt)
  • "Expropriate 'excess' economic profit!" (labeled like so at the discretion of the govt)
  • "Economy must be based on State investment!"
  • "Universal Basic Income must be granted by the State!"
  • "Anyone who opposes must be ostracized and prosecuted!"
People from the great depression era fell unconditionally in love of this premises, granting Long absolute power over Louisiana. And I mean absolute power: all three powers of the state where under his strict control. Legislation, Justice, and Law Enforcement, all where under Long's command, which he promptly used to smash any dissident voices. We are speaking of an entire state, not a single vulnerable city, but a state.
With sole control on legislation, he started passing laws at his will. With sole control on public funds, he started financing a massive propaganda machine to idealize his figure and demonize any margin of dissidence. He ultimately prohibited any media that was not under control of the state, even the college newspaper of the University of Louisiana.
The negative economic impact was immediate: undeterred inflation, free-fall salaries, etc. But, with absolute control over the public opinion, any failure could not be his but caused by the despicable enemies of the people! It's because of the capitalist! They hate the people! The solution is to give more power to the State! More taxes! With unanimous approval of the people, he thus proceeded to create "ministries" at his discretion, with the premise that any activity must be under the control of a state ministry, specially the "ministry of press", which had sole authority to censor any "non adequate" opinion.
At the heigh of his power, when he was senator he unsuccessfully tried to pass a law to change the constitution so that anyone that was found to perform an activity outside of the control of its designated ministries was to be prosecuted (indeed, he was unlawfully in control of Louisiana, through his puppets, while he was senator). Once again the enemies of the people doesn't want me to care for you! The outrage! Give me the power to counter this beasts that crave for your suffering!
He did not but to increase his power and influence more and more. Marvellous stories of his idyllic leadership where always reaching the nation, on how this humble men of the people was giving a tireless battle against the "enemies of the working class". The senate had two trucks to deliver letters from the entire country: one truck had to be devoted solely to Long, the other to the rest of the senate.
He was on his way to win the presidency.
What stopped all of that? Did the people realized of what was going on and decided to stop the madness by retiring their support to Long? Long story short: no, it was solely stopped by a bullet, leaving place to a less radical socialist.
The USA isn't asleep. At large, maybe it was never awake. Now it's time.
It can happen anywhere. Important to remember that. I believe one of the biggest myths is that the German and Italian people were special / different and that is what led to the rise of fascism. Or that it was about fascism or racism. All those are parts of it but fear, desperation, humiliation, and men promising a bright future seduced nations.
Bonhoeffer's theory of stupidity is something everyone should be familiar with. It can happen here because we are human. Those that seek to divide us need to be met with skepticism. If you think I'm talking about one political party or side you aren't getting it. You are already in the trap.
Exactly! I didn't know that theory by the name of "Bonhoeffer's theory", but I did know, and applied, and instruct, the Hanlon's razor: "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." , which I see is equivalent. I find people permanently attributing the wrong exclusively and always to morals, a fatal confusion since it immediately leads to the wrong "solution": someone with "stronger morals" is the solution!
Read it many years ago. Good book
How did you found it? :)
I don't recall, I've read a lot of history and was familiar with Sinclair Lewis.
If you like forgotten books like that you should read War is a Racket. Far to few are familiar with it.
I did! I'm amazed by that generation of enlightened books
I found that one the same way as you. I love to get lost in the hallways of wikipedia lurking through history articles. No tv series compare, I'm addicted
Not a huge fan of history books but your review is so intriguing that Ive now decided to read it. I'll juggle around to find a free ebook and will read it.
I'm really glad I sparked your curiosity :) I strongly recommend the wikipedia entry on Huey Long too, it's quite nicely written.
Thanks for another suggestion! Will surely read it.
You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out.
1000 percent true
People who read the history of these regimes don't know how to put themselves in the mind of the people who supported it and lived under it, they just look at the outcomes and think i wouldn't agree/support that
I thought the whole covid thing would debunk that stance and that people will follow anything that is sold as the greater good
Exactly. The mother of the error being "It Can't Happen Here!", I think that also shows exactly where education fails. If people where educated to understand this vulnerabilities, and offered instead a code to deal with them, they would be adamant on freedom. Instead people is educated only in terms of "good" and "evil", and only embrace the code that they understand will help them deal with the "vulnerability of immorality", going all the way up to absurd levels of illogic to defend what they see as "moral". It's time for that code to evolve from morality to logic.
Agreed, If we look at all the online grifters and charlatans online selling people a story its always some super simplistic good and evil and no room for nuance, people eat that shit up like crazy like bro you're not in a marvel movie grow up
Response of citizens during covid was extremely disappointing and disturbing: blind obedience, lack of skepticism, coercion and mandates, censorship and ostracism
Highly but also so eye opening, I have this memory seared into my brain we had a family get together when it was "okay" to meet again and all my family were talking about oh I got J&J or whatever provider vax and i remember the pressure on me to do it and I was like nah i'll pass, they were so chuffed to be part of this little movement
I still said I am all for people doing what they want but I disagree with socialising the cost/losses to do so, why don't individuals just pay and leave me alone, and they were oh its for the greater good, now they want to moan about inflation and cant see how they are connected
I opposed the shot especially mRNA and the mandate more. I held for as long as possible. I got jabbed with J&J in November 2021 because my friend wanted me to attend a show and the venue was checking for vaccine passports.
I had a fever for 3 days, 72 hours, before I finally took some Tylenol.
One of my friends had a remarkable transformation. He opposed the vaccine mandate and all the covid coercion and nonsense. He left California for Texas in 2022. Politically he used to be center left and now he is right wing. He was ostracised by some of our mutual friends.
Today's right wing is yesterday's center left, remember when the left was anti-war and was telling you that you own your body? To them pro-choice only applies to one topic, for everything else they want total control
The Overton window keeps shifing left
Regarding abortion, I wonder if they will adopt pro fertility policies like Romania under Ceaucescu once they realize their cult fertility rate is below replacement level
Most Nations who fail,fail because of stupid,selfish,greedy and arrogant leaders. In short dictators have this qualities.
Nations fail when one person or group has unchecked power
Many people and political leaders are stupid and selfish and greedy and arrogant
Let's also throw in ambition and pyschopathy
“If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary.”
  • James Madison
Louisiana politics has always been dirty: Huey Long was the epitome of politics in that state then and now
Nations fail when one person or group has unchecked power
Yap!they end up controlling the way they want
I totally agree with you