From then on Jesus began to preach and say: Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come.

Matthew 4:17
PRAYER OF THE DAY - Matthew 4:17
Dear God, Creator of all things, on this new day we turn to You in humility and gratitude. As You taught us in Matthew 4:17, we recognize the importance of repenting of our wrong ways and turning to You for guidance and redemption.
May this day be a moment of spiritual renewal in our lives. May we abandon all pride, selfishness and malice, and open ourselves to Your will, which is good, perfect and pleasant. Guide us along the path of truth and justice, granting us the wisdom to discern between right and wrong.
May our actions and words be a reflection of the love and compassion You have shown us through Jesus Christ. Enable us to live in accordance with Your teachings, loving our neighbors as ourselves and always seeking to do good.
May each new dawn be an opportunity for us to grow spiritually and get closer to You. Give us strength and courage to face the challenges that arise on our path, fully trusting in Your guidance and providence.
May Your peace, which surpasses all understanding, reign in our hearts and permeate all our actions. May we be instruments of reconciliation and hope in this world so in need of love and understanding.
In the name of Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord, we pray.
The passage from Matthew 4:17 presents us with the first words of Jesus recorded in this gospel: "From then on Jesus preached and said: Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." These words highlight the importance of repentance and a change of heart as preparation for receiving the Kingdom of God. This fundamental message from Jesus invites us to reflect on our lives, recognize our failures, and turn to God for forgiveness and guidance.
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