I've heard of a few sites adopting the 'pay as you enjoy' model with Lightning, but haven't seen any where readers specifically stream sats for every second/minute they're on a webpage. Mash advertises this function but I couldn't find it in their widgets, only pre-pay-to-reveal options.
I think stream-as-you-read could be a great option for blogs and educational sites, because readers wouldn't have to pay for anything sight unseen, but they also wouldn't have to get anything useful for free - their payment would be exactly proportional to their utilization.
If Mash is advertising it, I assume it's possible or coming soon, but has anyone already seen any sites like this?
I seriously don’t understand this model.
A) I’m going to either screenshot or copy/paste the article as soon as I open the page
B) because I don’t want to pay per time spent on a site, because I don’t want to be constantly doing cost analysis in my head
Same here. It penalizes people who read slower or want to comb through the article. I think that busking or a collaborative paywall makes more sense for this type of content.
Depending on the site design and rate, workarounds may just not be worth the hassle. I'm envisioning extremely low rates, which would also make the cost difference of different reading speeds negligible. Tiny amount for each reader, significant cumulative amount for the writer. And one could argue that more attentive readers are gaining more utility, making a higher cost fair.
Maybe irrelevant, but it occurs to me that I've never heard anyone complain that their phone bill pricing model penalizes them for being a slow talker.
It could also be a useful limiter for time sinks - e.g., no ads on Reddit, but a constant reminder: is this really how I want to be spending my time? And perhaps the content quality would be higher because posters get real rewards.
Incentivizing someone to not use your site seems a little counter intuitive. Maybe clicks and interaction would be a better sales point? It would be really nice to have an alternative to ads best of luck!
This is all possible today by using open standards (WebLN) to integrate Lightning payments into your website.
Here is an example of how that would look like (this example is based on how far you scroll the page, but that could obviously work on a time-based model, too):
I currently don't know of any publishers that actually integrated such a pattern into their website, though.
Thanks! I'll have to give some thought to scrolling vs. time on page. On the one hand, scrolling limits how much you can earn from each visitor to the page, but is perhaps harder for visitors to game.
Like @frostdragon , this model doesn't sound right to me, but something similar has always sounded right: pay per chunk. In the very largest scale version, you could pay per chapter of a book (I think crowdfunding would work with this really well), in the micro- version, you could just pay per paragraph of an article. If after the first one or two, you realize the content doesn't interest you, you've saved money. yalls.org did the simplest version of this: you get to read the first paragraph for free, and if you like it, you unlock all the rest in 1 payment.
For sure. At any rate, I think we have some good competitor models to paywalls and subscriptions coming down the pipeline!
Was thinking that the Fountain team was exploring doing the opposite. Heard that they were exploring audiobooks, earn as you read. Cant wait for earn as you listen to music
I think that every time I open Spotify now, hehe.
Love Fountain - also their clipping function, I use that to curate podcast clips. Trying to make playlists on various Bitcoin topics.
This sounds cool! Do you mean something like what Carrot is doing? On Carrot you stack sats as you finish reading each article.
The opposite actually. But I appreciate Carrot's effort to bring in and educate new people.
Also cool Twitch channel, I checked it out after your post the other day. Good luck!
i think carrot is your way to go, check my post, i made one about carrot today
I'm talking about the opposite: readers paying, not getting paid. Another option besides subscriptions or paywalls