I don't know anyone who self identifies as a "Christian Nationalist", but I know many conservative Christians (I am one myself, though the "conservative" part is more theological than political)
Politically I lean libertarian, with the understanding that modern secular leftism is as religious in character as Christianity or any other major religion. Maybe moreso, when considering tolerance for other value systems and cultural dominance. I'm talking about the climate agenda, the DEI agenda, and the trans agenda and how intolerant their followers are to alternative viewpoints.
I'm all for religious freedom and a minimalist government. In fact, I think there's a biblical case for it, as did many Christian thinkers throughout history. I just wish more people would stop seeing Christianity as such a threat and wake up to the threat of the religion of modern leftism.
ever notice the U.s gov't stays away from god's law? Because they want to enforce man's law.