Although their salaries are far from those of CEOs of big companies, presidents, prime ministers, and other world leaders can be paid high salaries in some countries.
This graphic ranks the top 10 highest-paid world leaders in 2024, according to various sources. Hong Kong data is as of 2022. All figures are in USD and are approximate. They can vary year to year with changes in policies, additional perks, and other compensations.
It's official salaries. Putin in Russia and other dictators steal a lot more unofficially.
13 sats \ 0 replies \ @fm 11 Jul
I wonder how much ursula stole with the famous vaccine contracts that no european can get access to..
I care more about what she stole here then what happens is russia.. But thats just me
fuck ursula
Prime Minister of Singapore warns 1.6 million?!?!
Believe me, this figure is higher, as it doesn't include some components of his income.
Well we are one of the richest per capita nations in the world. Is it surprising?
We have quite a high percentage of millionaires too
Hong Kong is a good comparison?