How is Nostr relay requirement different from JoinMarket directory node requirement? It's just a different protocol to pass messages. And Nostr could be used as messaging channel for JoinMarket too, if somebody implements it. But I don't see much advantages there over JM onion messaging channels. And directory nodes isn't strict requirement, IRC messaging is still supported too.
Fidelity bonds isn't strict requirement too, you can still do coinjoins without them, it's just a measure to prevent sibyl attacks. Basically, if you run maker without a FB, you will just have coinjoins happening less frequently.
There are no hardcoded relays used for bootstrapping.
There is a idea to add some gossip protocol to JoinMarket, so that configured directory nodes are used just for bootstrapping.
That's a cop out. You've just made it annoying to use without changing the underlying model.