Bigger rewards -> more stackers
More stackers -> bigger rewards
Wow! It's upto you what you want. Bigger rewards or more Stackers? Both are same. Do you mean that?
I see when new Stackers join SN, initially most of them are hesitant to zap content generously. Either, they don't understand what SN is all about or they come with a prejudice for SN as another faucet.
I'm saying it's a positive feedback cycle. A bigger rewards pool will draw more stackers and more stackers will increase the rewards pool.
Yes, I understood your point. I was just telling that the new Stackers should directly be made aware about SN works. Instead of writing 'welcome' under the bios, we can post links which give them information about how SN is the greatest V4V platform ever.
I've been slacking a bit on the welcome committee. I used to tell them all to zap big and zap often.