In a Pickle
When the pickleball trend started I was a bit of a naysayer. My kids wanted to try it though so recently we bought a set of paddles and balls. Fortunately, we have a couple pickleball courts within walking distance. They were added to the local tennis courts last summer.
My son had a friend over last night so I thought what better time to try it out. So, my son, his friend, myself and my daughter ventured off to the park. We only had two paddles so the boys got to play first and I hung out with my daughter in the playground. After the boys finished their game, I let my daughter try and we tapped the ball back and forth as best we could. She missed most of them or swung wildly and propelled the ball into the next court but she had fun. Before we left I played a bit with my son and then his friend as I wanted a bit stiffer competition than a 5 year old.
I am not jumping on the pickleball bandwagon. I would still rather play tennis but I enjoyed it. Once you get over the fact it feels like you are playing ping pong for giants it can be a lot of fun.
The kids really enjoyed it too and I don't recall them enjoying tennis as much the few times we have played. I think pickleball is easier for kids to just pick up and play.
Have other stackers tried pickleball yet?
Sats for all, GR
My parents got us some rackets, but we haven't broken them out yet.
We got to the courts and there were two couples playing a doubles match on one of the other courts and I thought "they look ridiculous". When you are used to tennis it is somewhat disarming to see four adults crammed on that tiny court.
It is fun though once you get used to it and as I noted in the post I think it is a lot easier for kids to learn than tennis. Of course my daughter after she hit the ball a couple times declared she was ready to play on the big net.
This is the first time I came across this game's name! However we've our own way of playing it. I and my neighbour friend used to play it on our roofs. Instead of a net, we had a boundry wall. It was a lot of fun. We could even pop up the ball on one tip to the floor!
(The roof of our old house was attached to that of with our neighbour's.)
You've given me an idea of playing it with my nephew and niece. Thank you so much! Keep it playing for kids and for a kid inside all of us.
What did you call the version of the game you played?
We simply called it 'hawa-hawai'.
Translation: Air to Air.
I have tried it once. I enjoyed it. It feels like a lower barrier for entry compared to tennis, but still gets you outdoors which is an improvement over ping pong. I haven’t played again, but I would, given the opportunity.
Yes, I like the fact that the barrier for entry is lower. Especially for the kids. If they enjoy playing they will want to get out of the house and get some exercise.
I've never tried it, though I did laugh a lot at the pickleball episode of Hacks this season. I used to play tennis and racquetball, so might give it a go at some point when my knees are willing.
Probably a lot easier on the knees than tennis or racquetball. You don't have much ground to cover and less hard pivoting.