Umm if u look at 8 USC 1401 the people are already divided clearly as stated, "Nationals" and "Citizens" of the U.S." born as both but the true conferring happens when you register to drive, vote etc by contract.
And your first definition was what I meant. People want the dejure, and are sick of the de facto
Different topic
Christian nationalist is a pejorative, a loaded term by the left wing media to denigrate Christians and conservatives
I am not Christian but have conservative political beliefs. I am guilty by association with Christian nationalism and the Tea Party.
Ok, this doesn't sounds relevant to the discussion to me. I misunderstood what you were saying at first. These people likely have driver's licenses and also vote. They are both nationals and citizens.
Point is, this isn't something most are aware of and isn't really even considered when people from a different political position are categorizing them.
The point of those using the term is describing their goals and methods to achieve them.