NATO has announced major initiatives following its latest summit. Key takeaways include:
Modernizing Nuclear Strategy: Upgrading nuclear capabilities and enhancing strategic planning.
Backing Ukraine's Membership: Committing to support Ukraine's path towards NATO membership and Euro-Atlantic integration, with continuous support for security and democratic reforms, evaluated annually.
Invitation to Ukraine: Extending an invitation to Kiev to join NATO once it meets all necessary conditions.
Expanding Indo-Pacific Partnerships: Increasing cooperation with countries in the Indo-Pacific region.
Defense Spending Goals: Reaffirming the commitment of member nations to allocate at least 2% of GDP to defense.
It is important to note that a framework is being created that can also survive a possible presidency of Donald Trump and continue to hold on to a conflict with Russia in Ukraine
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Military-Industrial Complex for the win.
Unfortunately, some days I can't eat as much as I want to throw up. And the mainstream propaganda press is once again succeeding in synchronizing the masses and bringing them into line. Running into their own ruin