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Japanese government cannot intervene in the currency market. They are bad currency traders.
Japan has to signal fiscal austerity by spending less, cutting taxes, deregulation and no more bond purchases to increase the money supply.
Don't try to manipulate yield or interest rates.
Instead increase the cash reserve requirement for all the banks in Japan USA and Europe should do the same regarding cash reserves
They 'should' do it. But they can't. They are stuck in their keynesian bs fiat nightmare
Keynesian doom loop but they have to endure short term pain to get out of this doom loop
That would not be short term pain, it would collapse their entire banking system
These apocalyptic scenarios are used to justify misguided government interventions.
That's just the nature of a fractional reserve banking system.
The bankers, at all times, have a gun to the head of the public to shake us down for more money.
If we refuse, they pull the trigger and the deflation of all the fiat debt burns away everything, including everyone's bank deposits.
how much propaganda, disinformation and poor education is needed to subject mass populations to this system is actually astonishing. the dimmer the population, the easier it is, of course, but the amount of energy required to dumb down a society in this way is enormous