I've heard of that. Other major issues include on-chain confirmation times or if your tx will ever be confirmed to be honest because there is no guarantee your tx will ever be included in a block.
Volatile and high transaction fees. (Compared to other cryptos and fiat which is free to transact a large majority of the time. At least to the consumer. People are naturally greedy also and don't want to pay any fee let alone the fees to transact Bitcoin. Also, what some consider a fee that is cheap others may consider a high fee.)
Lightning's payment in transition/can't find a route issues.
Bitcoin's price fluctuates sometimes at a volatile rate and that turns people off immediately.
Those are the major ones. I can list more but yeah. The maxi's refuse to admit any of these are issues or they justify them by throwing the whole anonymity thing out there. Which isn't even the case now a days unless you take precise steps to cover your tracks. 95% of people simply don't care about anonymity like they should anyway or believe it's useless since they aren't doing anything illegal/they want to hide.