Sound money is extremely environmentally friendly compared to fiat money because it significantly reduces consumption with credit which is basically maybe 30-40% of the world economy right now. Imagine if you could cut consumption by 30-40%. Imagine how much more sustainable that would be. How much lower all kinds of emissions would be. Sound money ftw.
See also:
How Much Faster Must Bitcoin Grow to Meet 1/2 the Unep Methane Reduction Target? #61690
The link for this post uses a read-only front-end for Twitter, which can be easier to read for viewing a full Twitter thread. The Tweet that kicked off the thread is:
The world needs a scalable solution, that is deployable today, to reduce our methane emissions and slow climate change, coined a 'Layer 1' climate tech solution by our friend @DSBatten
Here’s why…

Also see: